
So far we have looked at R, HTML, CSS, and even a little bit Jquery in previous in-class activities. Now, we are going to get a little more serious with the programming--but in a fun way!

Introducing Processing! Processing is a "sketchbook" for creating creative and visual software. It is a fully functional programming language for hobby, professional, and research projects in Java/Python/Javascript. We are going to look at ProcessingJS, the Javascript implementation of Procsesing, so we can build web applications! (Note that the Java environment allows you to develop for desktop and Android!)

  1. Watch the introduction video together here
  2. Go through the "Getting Started" tutorial next on this page:
  3. There are numerous examples for each functionality in ProcessingJS here: Try a few out.
  4. There exists P5 Playground for trying out more samples.
In the following weeks, we will be developing some classic HCI experiments using HTML, CSS, and ProcessingJS!


Note that in-class activities are part of your participation grade, and participating will help you perform well on your assignments. You do not have to formally submit anything, (however I take notes of who participated!).