
Lab Image
Today's goal: Get started on Platformer!


Today's class is a work day! That is an opportunity to accelerate our progress on the project (and for some to get started!). Ask questions, get organized, and commit code to the repo. I have compiled some resources regarding building a 2D platformer.

1. Find/Form your team

Game Engines

Complete: Step one is to find and form your team for the project! I am checking off teams for the lab if they make at least 1 commit! Team spreadsheet is here

2. Scavenge

Game Engines

Complete: Pulll out the parts of breakout that can be reused

There is very likely some parts of your breakout project that you can apply to the platformer project. In meeting with your team members, decide which components you can re-use and create your architecture.

3. Building a Tile Engine/Editor

Game Engines

Complete: Check out some of these articles on building a tile engine.

The tile engine is probably the core component of a 2D platformer. So I wanted to provide some resources for this!

Going Further

Finished Early? Did you enjoy this lab assignment? Here are some (optional) ways to further this assignment.
  • Continue working with your engine to try to build some simple programs.
  • Download Unity3D or Unreal3D and complete a tutorial online. See what tools they have that make game development easier.


  • You and your partner will receive the same grade from a scale of 0-2. (Individual labs you get your own grade)
  • At the start of the next lab I will circulate to check off your lab. You or your partner should be ready to show it.
    • 0 for no work completed.
    • 1 for some work completed, but something is not working properly or missing
    • 2 for a completed assignment (with possible 'going further' options completed)

More Resources

Some additional resources to help you through this lab assignment

Found a bug?

If you found a mistake (big or small, including spelling mistakes) in this lab, kindly send me an e-mail. It is not seen as nitpicky, but appreciated! (Or rather, future generations of students will appreciate it!)
  • Fun fact: The famous computer scientist Donald Knuth would pay folks one $2.56 for errors in his published works. [source]
  • Unfortunately, there is no monetary reward in this course :)