Final Project Proposal and Work day

Lab Image
Today's goal: Create your teams for the final assignment!


All I need to see is that you have created a repository with your team and final project ideas. I have posted the final project description in piazza. You may use the remainder of time to get started on the project, or finish up remaining work in the class.


  • You and your partner will receive the same grade from a scale of 0-2. (Individual labs you get your own grade)
  • At the start of the next lab I will circulate to check off your lab. You or your partner should be ready to show it.
    • 0 for no work completed.
    • 1 for some work completed, but something is not working properly or missing
    • 2 for a completed assignment (with possible 'going further' options completed)

Found a bug?

If you found a mistake (big or small, including spelling mistakes) in this lab, kindly send me an e-mail. It is not seen as nitpicky, but appreciated! (Or rather, future generations of students will appreciate it!)
  • Fun fact: The famous computer scientist Donald Knuth would pay folks one $2.56 for errors in his published works. [source]
  • Unfortunately, there is no monetary reward in this course :)