
Final Project Proposal

Lab Image
Today's goal: Solidify the final project proposal. Make sure the data on this spreadsheet is up to date. Then e-mail me (and cc any partners) the following:
  • Your final project idea.
  • One external resource you think that will get you started.
  • The first task you think you need to get accomplished.


  • You and your partner will receive the same grade from a scale of 0-2.
    • 0 for no work completed.
    • 1 for some work completed, but something is not working properly
    • 2 for a completed assignment (with possible 'going further' options completed)
  • You must complete this lab by next class. You will run your lab in front of me at the start of the next lab when class starts.

More Resources

Some additional resources to help you through this lab assignment

Found a bug?

If you found a mistake (big or small, including spelling mistakes) in this lab, kindly send me an e-mail. It is not seen as nitpicky, but appreciated! (Or rather, future generations of students will appreciate it!)
  • Fun fact: The famous computer scientist Donald Knuth would pay folks one $2.56 for errors in his published works. [source]
  • Unfortunately, there is no monetary reward in this course :)